Saturday, March 23, 2019

Life Among the Fish Essay examples -- Personal Narrative Writing

Life Among the Fish I dropped my air tank on the deck of the ride, creating a deep hollow sound through out the air. The tank lay on the rough floor teetering from fount to side until finally easinessing against the waistband. I gazed at it for a moment lost in its sleek wetness while water poured down my back. What are you looking at? Help me with my tank my sister Tawnya yelled from the stern of the boat. She was half centering up the ladder with her tank slowly slipping off her back. My dadaism was the last one up the ladder. Dropping his tank, he let out the noise he always makes when he gets through something of a feat, a loud noise that sounds as though a train were departure through the center of the boat. That solar day in the ocean took away any(prenominal) fear that I might have had in the future for doing anything adventurous. We got on the boat around nine that morning. The sun was sending out its torrid rays that tickled your skin when you stepped into it from the shade. A white boat dubbed the Naughty Nymph, was our vehicle for the day to take us on endless adventures. Dad was getting the intellectual nourishment on the boat as Tawnya and I ran around looking for cloak-and-dagger hiding spots and the better place to put our towels. The bow of the boat seemed to be the best spot so that is where we settled. Dad yelled if we were restless to take off, and off we went. The waters were crystal blue. The coral on the sea floor was popping out at me as the water worked as magnifying glass. The water looked only three feet deep, a depth that would make anyone olfactory property uneasy about driving over in a boat. in that respect were islands all around us, chess pieces of the sea, which shot out of the ocean without warning. The rescind was tickling my... ...ted to stay at the altitude of negative twenty for the rest of my life. I was not afraid down there, with the fish and the dead repose between breaths. I was not afraid of anything at that point. I would approximate of something that had frightened me before and would be completely calm at the thought. I was no longer afraid to do anything alone or something I would not normally do. I went back to living my life with the fish, doing flips and thrill hands with the seaweed until I felt someone take my hand. I looked up and saw Tawnya it was time to head back to the surface. She pulled me along to where dad was waiting for us. I looked back at the great wall and smiled. Watching my humans be swallowed up by the sea, I said good-bye to my friends and thanked them for being there to take away my fears for anything that came my way in the future.

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