Friday, March 1, 2019

Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment in HR Management Essay

1. submit of ContentsPrefacei. morals and Fair Treatment at massageii. What De limitines Ethical Behavior at travel?iii. How Managers Use force Methods To boost ethical motive and Fair Treatment? iv. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacyv. Managing Dismissals2. Why I Selected This allow/ArticleFor the Course HRMN250 Human resourcefulness caution3. Book Theme (Key Quote)Ethics and sporty(a) treatment play important roles in managing employees at work. Of course, few societies af smashed solely on eradicaters ethics or sense of paleness to run across that they do whats right by their employee.4. AbstractI. Ethics and Fair Treatment at Work. Ethics be normative judgments establish on heads of morality. Ethics refers to what you stand for whereas fairness and referee be seen in terms of a decisions impression and the process of arriving at the same. M any countries have laws and legislations governing workers rights, not leaving them solely to an employers ethics. I I. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work? Several influences may determine whether a mortal acts estimable or not at work. They embarrass the thickening thecompany the organisational culture aided by a code of ethics and the individual themselves.III. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment? Personnel methods such(prenominal) as selection, ethics training, performance appraisals, reward and disciplinary systems, managing deference and personnel related method for ensuring fair treatment are wights which managers go for to promote ethics and fair treatment in the organization.IV. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacy. Employee national may be punitive or non-punitive but should be fair and progressive, with an appeal forum. Employee screening and background checks are make use offul appraisal tool but should respect privacy laws or be collapsen employee consented.V. Managing Dismissals. pallidity should be communicated in the involunt ary termination of an employees employment and should be upheld by contractual conformitys that taper support for the same between the sure and the employee to avoid wrongful discharge claims. Layoffs, downsizing or closing plants should be down strategically and cautiously in spite of appearance legislative frameworks.5. Brief treatment of Book/Article Units/Sections/Chapters I. Ethics and Fair Treatment at WorkA. Principles of conduct governing an individual or group and are ground on1. Normative Judgmentsa. Something is either good or bad2. re pursuit of moralitya. Societys highest standard of behaviorB. Few societies rely solely on managers ethics or sense of fairness to see that they do whats right by their employee. They instead 1. Formulated legislations toa. protect employeesi. Employees rightsb. Enforce lawsC. jurist is separated by experts into1. Distributive Justice that shows a decisions result exhibits a. Fairnessb. Justice2. Procedural Justice showsa. Fairness of processII. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work?A. The person1. The person most responsible for his or her own behaviorB. The boss1. Several elements of leadership determine ethical behavior including exhibiting a. Coercionb. closetc. Unfair/bias treatment of employeeC. The organizations culture including1. The characteristics prizes, usage and behavior a companys employees share 2. The firms leaders ability toa. Walk the talkb. Clarify expectationsc. Provide indispensable support for employees to make ethical decisions d. Provide an ethical code which isi. A document memorializing the standard that the employer expects the employees to adhere to III. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment including the following A. Selection processes such as1. execute background checks2. Ask ethical questions in the interrogate3. Be fair in recruitment processa. Use good selection toolsb. measure applicantsc. Provide utile feedback4. Have establish formal ethical proceduresB. Ethics training which involves1. Teaching employees how to recognizeda. Dilemmasb. Implications of actionsc. Resolve dilemmas2. Managers commitment to ethics3. Having new-employees p seed4. Equipping employees witha. Hand volumes and copy of code of ethicsb. Refresher coursesC. Performance Appraisals these allot the stand to how fair or ethical an organization is and should be to employees1. Clear2. perceivable3. Objective4. Rewarding of ethical behaviorD. Reward and Discipline1. spry to punish unethical behaviors2. Rewarding of ethical onesE. Managing Ethical Compliance To ensure compliance to legal and organizational ethical standards companies can set up1. Frameworks2. Procedures3. DepartmentsF. Supervisors and Fairness1. Involve employees ina. Decisions that affect them2. Make all aware(p) of standards of evaluation3. Communication should bea. Two-waysb. PracticalIV. Managing Employee Discipline and PrivacyA. Enforcing coach encourages sensib le behavior1. Fair referee and disciplining involves 3 pillarsa. Rules and Regulationsb. Employees hand daybook2. organisation of progressive penaltiesa. Gives a sense of fairness and opportunity for remedialb. Depends on severity of infringement3. Process of Appeala. Gives a sense of fairness and opportunity for remedialB. Discipline can be punitive or nonpunitive1. Nonpunitive includesa. Issuing oral reminderb. If incidents arise again within sixsome weeksi. Formal written reminder placed on filec. come along incidenti. Give one-day paid leave for employee to sort out selfd. Further incidenti. DismissalC. Employee Privacy 1. Several employer actions that triggers most ravishment includea. Background checksb. Monitoring off-duty conductc. Drug testingd. oeuvre searches2. By-laws that protect the samea. No bathroom or locker-room superintendenceb. Cannot publish private matter such asi. Medical recordsc. whitethorn not appropriate employees make believe or likeness for comme rcial use without consent3. Employee monitor-a. This includesi. Reading their emails incoming and outgoingii. Blocking sitesiii. Monitoring in/out quantify as per workplace4. Restrictions and guidelinesa. Electronic Communication second whichi. Makes eavesdropping of employee legal up to a pointii. States monitored calls if found to be individualized should not be bring forward monitored iii. Business purpose exceptioniv. comply exceptionV. Managing DismissalsA. Dismissal1. Involuntary termination of employment2. Most forceful organizational disciplinary action3. Requires special care4. Should be based on proper grounds5. Should be done after parkway toi. Rehabilitate personii. Salvage personB. Aspects include1. Termination at will wherea. No contractual obligation between both partiesi. each employee can be terminated at any point/any argue ii. Employee can re distinction at any time/reason2. Wrongful Discharge- Includea. Dismissals thati. Violate lawii. Fails to comply wi th contractual agreementaa. Statedab. Impliedb. Statutory Exceptions which arei. Governing laws that prohibits some kind of passings such as aa. Reporting safety violationc. Common law exceptionsd. in the public eye(predicate) Policy Exception where employee refusesi. To break an explicit public lawii. thoroughly establish public policyC. Grounds for dismissal include1. unsatisfactory performance, for representativea. Tardinessb. Cant perform duties applicable to employmentc. Absenteeism issues2. louse up3. Lack of qualifications4. Changed implyment for the jobi. Nature of jobii. Job no longer required or operational5. InsubordinationD. Fairness in dismissals entailsa. Giving full explanation as to whyb. Progressive approach shotc. Process of dismissali. Who does itii. How it is doneiii. Where it is doneiv. Follow up work for the dismissedE. Security measures as per dismissalsa. Disabling the dismissedi. Access to conglomerateii. Computers and other equipmentiii. Access to phones and other assetsF. Avoiding wrongful dismissal lawsuits1. Create sensing of fairness ina. Employment policiesb. Grievance procedures2. Make employees feel they are treated fairly3. All employment-related policies, procedures and documents should bea. Reviewedb. Referenced4. Have employee signa. A no fixed term of employment contractb. Or a termination at any time clause5. channelize job expectations cl primal6. Make personnel supervisors liable they shoulda. Be beaten(prenominal) with applicable lawsb. Not at in angerc. Utilize the HR department for adviceD. The Termination Interview where the employee is informed of their dismissal1. Plan care to the fulla. Make sure schedule is kept byi. Person doing the dismissalii. Employeeb. Use neutral locationi. Not your officec. Have security department or medical numbers at handd. Keep interview to maximum 10 minutese. Have all needed documents2. puddle to the point3. Describe the situation, dont emphasize persons fault 4. Li sten5. Speak calmly6. Review all elements of breakout package7. Identify the next step for the dismissed such asa. Outplacement counselingb. Exit interview as toi. Get insight as to what the company is doing right or wrong E. Layoffs, furlough and the Plant termination Law1. These are non-disciplinary separation such asa. Retirementb. Resigningc. Layoffs/bump-off i. Selecting employees to take time-off with the expectation to return to work in the future d. Downsizing commonly reducing dramatically the number of people employed by a firm 2. The plant Closing Law (Worker Adjustment and Retraining make out 1989) a. Firms of 100 or more workers must give at least 60 days know before i. Closing down knackii. Starting a layoff of 50 or more workersb. Doesnt stay organizations from shutting downc. Does not obligate firms to save jobd. Does require adequate notice by employers to allow time for employees i. To job searchii. To retrainiii. To adjust to circumstancese. Penalty for infringement of this act includei. 1 day pay for everyday of the violationaa. That is, days when the notice should have been preconditionF. Layoff Process1. Plan for layoffsa. Have up-to-date appraisals in advanceaa. This attests to rationale behind layoff procedure2. Layoff implies softnessa. Termination implies (cut off)3. Layoff is characterized usuallya. Work is not availableb. Expected to be short termc. Expected recalling of employees at later date4. Sensible Layoff Steps involvesa. Identifying objectives and constraintsb. Forming a downsizing teamc. Addressing legal issuesi. Reviewing factors of those being laid off includingaa. sexual practiceab. Raceac. Religiond. Address security issues, includingi. Personalii. Infrastructuraliii. Datae. run in putive and truthfulf. Plan post- enforceation actioni. Especially for remaining workersaa. hiking morale etc.5. Dismissal Effect plan to manage depression ona. Victimsb. Survivorsc. Managersi. Health6. Layoff/Bump-off Procedu res detailed procedure determining who will be laid off it no work is availablea. Survivors often chosen byi. Seniorityaa. Based on date joining the firm not a particular position ii. Merit7. Alternatives to layoffsa. Voluntary lessening in pay to keep everyone workingb. Concentrating employees vacation during slow timesi. Avoids having to hire seasonal workersc. Voluntary time offd. Offering early retirement packagese. Hiring temporary workers with the understanding that they would be first to go G. Adjusting to Downsizing and Layoffs1. Downsizinga. Usually to boost financial position of the organizationb. Boosting the morale of survivors and management is essential 2. Mergers and Acquisitiona. Employees may now be hypersensitised as to unfair treatment management must i. Avoid show dominantii. Avoid win-lose behavioriii. delay business-like and professional alwaysiv. Remain positive about acquired firmsv. Remember that how the organization treats acquired employees affects a a. Organizational moraleab. productivenessac. CommitmentVI. Practitioner/Researcher Value of BookA. The practician cherish of the book The chapter Ethics, Justice and Fair Treatment in HR Management is of great practitioner repute for several reasons. These reasons include firstly, the chapters readableness (the adduce or quality of being readable). The chapter has a uniform layoff where its main points or learning outcomes are indicated in an emboldened blue font of serif. Subtopics within these learning outcomes are given emboldenedred fonts of sans serif and further subtopics are indicated using emboldened green fonts of sans serif. Thus the chapter is uniformly unionized and makes for easy reading and finding of key concepts and other discipline. Definitions are all the way highlighted at the foot of each page that has a gray background.The chapters practitioners value is shown similarly by the several tables and charts that conveniently summarize large amounts of inform ation making for quick referencing by any practitioner. An example of this includes figure 14-12 on page 553, which shows the Median Week of Severance liquidate by Job Level. This summative and quick reference format of key textbook and working procedures for the issuance of severance is essentially useful to practitioners looking for reliable and timely solutions to everyday challenges. The chapters practitioner value is further attested to by several case studies and practical examples that show the key concepts presented being use in the real world and having practical application and relevance. Several case studies including that involving the infamous Enron (page 562) presents to the practitioner the relevance and significance of ethics by an organization.Comprehensive case studies are also presented at the end of the book in Appendix B such as that which deals with the ethical underpinnings of conduct of BP Texas management in relations to the March 2005 explosion. Practica lity of the book/chapter is attested to by examples like that on page 547-48 which presents an example of employee monitor software, thus presenting to practitioner a practical example of the concept of employee monitoring and furthermore giving a suggested tool to implement the same. Finally the chapters practitioner value is depicted by several step-by-step procedures that give the practitioner easy and ready to use procedures that they can substantially implement for results and solutions. Page 546 gives an example of this for disciplining employees without punishment offering a readily available reference tool and guide for the practitioner to administer the same. B. The researcher value of the bookThe chapter (book) contains prodigious referencing. From its charts to tables to defining of key terms are given full reference linking information to their authors, websites and primary sources. Each chapter has its own endnote reference listing which gives all sources referenced as per the chapter. The sources are mainly in the form of scholarly journals andarticles attesting to the credibility of the information presented in the chapter. This chapter in question has about a WHOPPING 117 sources as per the information presented therein.Sources are easily verifiable. The books content are easily accessible as it contains an extension name and organization index with some 1200 entries. Its subject index is quite fulgurous as well in terms of its precision of search terms, concepts and points. The book/chapter presents an impressive Evidence Based HR section that presents evidence of how managers manage based on facts and evidence lending credence to the usefulness, credibility, applicability of the information presented. The book also presents authoritative findings and guidelines from professional bodies including The Society of Human Resource Management or SHRM as well as brief In-Text write up Guide from the SHRM organization. I therefore fully believe tha t the book is fully valuable to the researcher.VII. Final Impact StatementIn terms of ethics, justice and fair treatment in human resource management, we glean the immenseness of firstly the individual having a firm ethical framework, the organization also fostering the same and the society which embellishes the same. Governments are the regulating and enforcing entities of the same. We note in closing the authors remarks Of course, few societies rely solely on managers ethics or sense of fairness to ensure that they do whats right by to their employees. (Dessler, 2011, p. 533.). Instead we see legislations are used which at the minimum, organizations tend to adopt to, and which satisfies both parties.

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