Thursday, April 11, 2019

Effects of Technology on Social Groups Essay Example for Free

Effects of Technology on Social Groups EssayThe emergence of engineering science has brought almost different social effects. Some spend a penny lost bandage others have gained from the technology. A great neighborhood of technology involves working with machines and this has resulted into less human labor and most of the people have been rendered jobless by the machines. This is a negative effect on the social group that was working together since some have to be laid off to give way for the machines. Some people have become wealthier while others have become poor and this has created a gap between the two groups. This has changed the expectations of many people in the social environment (Langdon, 1986). For those who have studied how to work with the machines they are enjoying and getting closer to their social groups. slew can easy work from home and this has made working easier. Social groups can work together on the internet and they can even share a network. Most of the technology lies in the estimator and through the computer people can easily talk with all their friends in the social websites. stack also find spouses and lost friends on the internet and this is a merit of technology since people cargo deck in touch even when they are far from each other (English-Lueck 1998). In social groups manage families, technology has led to breakups of close family ties sine the family members can communicate by sending an email and chatting. They tonus that they are close to their relatives even when they are in distant places hence they do not tease to travel home. This has made most of the parents to lose control over their children. This is a way in which technology has created freedom for the young generation (Ruth. 1989).References1. Ruth Schwartz Cohen, (1989), More work for mother The Ironies of Household Technology from the sacrifice hearth to the Microwave, London, Free Association Books 2. Langdon Winner, (1986), The Whale and the React or A Search for Limits in an Age of high Technology, Chicago, University of Chicago press 3. J. A. English-Lueck, (1998), Technology and Social Change The effects of family and community retrieved October 31, 2008 from website http//www. sjsu. edu/depts/anthropology/svcp/SVCPcosa. html

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